My Book Library

This is a list of virtualization books that are in my personal library. These books are written by well-known authors within the industry. If you want to learn more about virtualization technologies, you will find this list as a good starting point. After reading these books you can continue to use them as reference aids in your day to day administration duties.

Check back often as this list I always expanding with newly released books.
VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference: Automating vSphere AdministrationLuc Dekens, Alan Renouf, Glenn Sizemore, Arnim van Lieshout, Jonathan MeddSybex0470890797
Mastering VMware vSphere 5.5Scott Lowe, Nick Marshall, Forbes Guthrie (Contributions by), Matt Liebowitz, Josh AtwellSybex1118661141
VMware vSphere Design, 2nd EditionForbes Guthrie, Scott Lowe, Kendrick ColemanSybex1118407911
Mastering VMware vSphere 5Scott LoweSybex0470890800
Virtualization Security: Protecting Virtualized EnvironmentsDave ShacklefordSybex1118288122
VMware vSphere 5.1 Clustering Deepdive (Volume 1) Duncan Epping, Frank Denneman CreateSpace1478183411
VMware vSphere 5 Clustering Technical DeepdiveDuncan Epping, Frank Denneman CreateSpace1463658133