PowerCLI 5.8r1 Reference Poster Now Available!

If you were looking for the latest VMware PowerCLI Poster covering the latest version. You found the right Blog Article.

They have added in all of the new and latest cmdlets to the upper-half of the poster, organized by task or object.

The lower-half has examples of commands or tasks that we see are being used frequently, or that are just handy to have for reference.


You can download this poster directly from http://bit.ly/PowerCLIPosterv2 or visit http://vmware.com/go/posters

For best printing results, this should be printed with dimensions 42″ x 20″ and the PDF should be scaled for 42″ x 20″ as well.


And remember to say a special thanks to Alan Renouf (@alanrenouf) and Luc Dekens (@LucD22) for their contributions as well, if you post to the VMware vSphere™ PowerCLI VMware Community.

